SPN J2 Secret Santa

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Name: SPN J2 Secret Santa
Date(s): 2008 - 2022
Moderator(s): bertee, glovered, lazy_daze, oddishly, randomisedhabit, tebtosca
Founder: lazy_daze
Type: Gift Exchange - Fanfiction, Fanart
Fandom: Supernatural, J2, Supernatuarl RPF
URL: spn-j2-xmas, Archived version
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SPN J2 Secret Santa was an annual gift exchange in Supernatural and J2/Supernatuarl RPF fandom, open to all characters and pairings, although there was a strong focus on Sam/Dean and J2. Authors had to write a minimum of 1000 words, and artists and vidders had to create a piece that was roughly equivalent.