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Title: Rowrbrazzle
Editor(s): Marc Schirmeister & John Cawley (founders), Fred Patten, Mike Curtis, Edd Vick, Michael Susko, and William Earl Haskell (current)
Type: fanart, apazine
Date(s): 1984-present (2010)
Fandom: Furry
Language: English
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Rowrbrazzle is a furry apazine devoted to funny animal cartoon illustration.

The title is a misspelling of "rowrbazzle!", an exclamation used at times by the characters in Walt Kelly's comic-strip "Pogo".

As of 2010, there are one hundred issues.


At almost the moment Vootie passed away, Marc Schirmeister brought into being a new apa, called Rowrbrazzle. Brazzle swept up a lot of orphaned members of Vootie, and added to them various odd people that Schirm (WikiFur, FurAffinity) knew. They included animators, members of groups such as the Cartoon Fantasy Organization, would-be publishers and self-published artists, anime fans… and probably a Flat Earther or two. His connections replaced the Minneapolis complexion of Vootie for a Southern California one. The big change, though, was to sever once and for all the connection with the counter-culture. When Schirm said Brazzle was a funny animal apa he didn’t mean “not superheroes”, he meant anthropomorphics. Furry fandom was born with that first quarterly mailing. The people had been brought together, a common meeting ground created, and a purpose defined. Before Vootie, there had been people only. Before Brazzle only people and a place. But after February 1984 there was finally a sense of group identity, and soon a word for who we were – furries. [1]
