Ripples in the Dirac Sea

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Ripples in the Dirac Sea
Author(s): allaire mikháil
Date(s): 2000
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Ripples in the Dirac Sea is a Jim/Blair story by allaire mikháil.

Reactions and Reviews

Ok, not a new story exactly, but it is a new rec. I read this when it first came out and just reread it. I loved it the first time and still do. I have always been fascinated by parallel worlds and the twists and turns in life we didn't take. The choices that we could have made or the ones that we didn't make. What are our other selves doing, what are they like? What might we have been? Are there better versions of ourselves out there, those who are worse off? Is our life someone else's version of a hell they wouldn't wish to see? No matter how good or bad it is. Is our life a cake walk compared to another version of us? This story is about that. The 'What If's'. The possibilities that lie out there. All the choices we didn't make, but someone else did. Our lives are simply possibilities. "For every possible outcome, quantum law dictates there must be a parallel world where it is played out". This story is about those possibilities. The 'What If's' in life played out. Showed to us. Maybe to tell us how much better or worse off that we are. There is a little death in this story, for those of you sensitive to that, but they are only possibilities. We see other outcomes and how the future could be different. I love stories like this. Always amaze me. [1]

Ok, not a new story exactly, but it is a new rec. I read this when it first came out and just reread it. I loved it the first time and still do. I have always been fascinated by parallel worlds and the twists and turns in life we didn't take. The choices that we could have made or the ones that we didn't make. What are our other selves doing, what are they like? What might we have been? Are there better versions of ourselves out there, those who are worse off? Is our life someone else's version of a hell they wouldn't wish to see? No matter how good or bad it is. Is our life a cake walk compared to another version of us? This story is about that. The 'What If's'. The possibilities that lie out there. All the choices we didn't make, but someone else did. Our lives are simply possibilities. "For every possible outcome, quantum law dictates there must be a parallel world where it is played out". This story is about those possibilities. The 'What If's' in life played out. Showed to us. Maybe to tell us how much better or worse off that we are. There is a little death in this story, for those of you sensitive to that, but they are only possibilities. We see other outcomes and how the future could be different. I love stories like this. Always amaze me.[2]

This is the first posted Sentinel story from this author. I hope there will be more to come...

Why you should read this: This has an interesting story approach; and we don't see enough experimentation in fan fiction, so most exceptions are worth mentioning. There is thoughtfulness here, and good writing. Though I hate the phrase 'she has a lot of potential'... well, she has a lot of potential.

What might throw you off stride: A few tiny formatting oddities, some repetition that doesn't seem to move the story forward effectively (as opposed to the repetition that does), and occasional reliance on fanon--e.g., the obligatory jungle metaphors--that comes across as a bit weak. But we all love a good jungle metaphor once in a while.... [3]
