Retribution (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Retribution
Author(s): Catherine Clair
Date(s): 1977
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Retribution is Star Trek: TOS Spock story by Catherine Clair.

It was published in two parts in R & R #3 and #4.

It has a sequel, The Emmethane Sequence.

Reactions and Reviews

[part one]: Kirk has a secret assignment to deliver a scientist’s last tapes, which must be kept out of the hands of the Romulans. There is a spy on board, and suspicion is cast upon both Spock, who cannot account for certain of his actions, and Vulcan doctor T’Ieza, who is actually a Federation agent assigned to protect the carrier of the tape copy. T’Ieza and Kirk had just had a sexual fling, and her sudden assignment to Enterprise adds to the general discomfort.[1]

[part one]: The first part of ‘Retribution’ by Catherine Clair introduces us to T’Ieza, a space-raised Vulcan with a decidedly different point of view regarding behavior. Her involvement with Kirk leads into a secret mission-spy story to be concluded in R&R #4. The tone is cool and detached and swift. One finds it hard to evaluation the first half alone… too much is unknown… but the episodic style is intriguing… [2]

[conclusion]:The Romulan spy is revealed to be a pharmacist recently taken on board. He almost kills McCoy, leaves a deadly concoction in the medication to be given him, and leads T’Ieza a merry chase through the ship, eventually escaping with her in a shuttle bound for a Romulan pick-up. They are both killed by a backflow of energy when the Romulans attempt to transport them out of Kirk’s tractor beam. Spock puts it all together just in time to prevent McCoy from taking his deadly medication. [3]

[conclusion]: ... a very well-written and structured story. Although I could never imagine Kirk with a Vulcan sweetheart -- whatever logical reason there may be -- Ms. Clair has fleshed this one out in the character of the woman in question, T'Leza. The 'plot' concerns T'Leza discovering, and being discovered by, a saboteur of the Enterprise who takes T'Leza along during a get-away to ensure his own safe passage off the Big E." [4]
