Refracted Lives

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Title: Refracted Lives, Refracted Lives: A Big Finish Bernice Summerfield Fanzine
Date(s): 2024
Medium: Print, Digital
Genre: Gen, Character focused
Fandom: Doctor Who, Doctor Who Expanded Universe
Language: English
External Links: bennyzine at Tumblr; archive link
"illustration of Bernice holding up a glowing triangle shaped object, in the background a man holds a child as they watch colourful lights in the sky. Text reads 'Refracted Lives: A Big Finish Bernice Summerfield Fanzine'"
Cover art by ivqks159
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Refracted Lives is an anthology zine in Doctor Who fandom focused on the character of Bernice Summerfield for her series' 25th anniversary. Proceeds from the sale of leftover zines and merchandise was donated to the charity Care for Gaza, they raised $538.03. The digital version of the zine was later made a free to download pdf after the initial sales were complete.



  • ivqks159
  • liria10
  • Holleh


  • PENREVE (penrevekether, penreve_kether)
  • JULIA (juliasfanart)
  • LUPARA (lupara_art, lupara_xox)
  • M (bluecrayon.jpg)
  • RITA (pendragon_fruit, pendragonfruit)
  • CROW (chloartscrows, paintedcrows)
  • NICO (maniisda, isdagat)
  • OUIDA (ouidasart, ouidamforeman)
  • JAIMI (owldreig)
  • LIRIA10 (10Lliria, liriaio10)
  • FRUMIOUSLY ALICE (frumioustlyalice)
  • IVQKS159 (ivgks159)
  • BRAXIATEL (nine_gallifreys, gallifreyevermore)
  • CAT (hyaesia)
  • FLOWCHI ELMFLOWERS (elmflowers_2, elms-art-gallery)
  • DRAGO (dragovidthegay, eriktheshitmusician)
  • DOCCY (doccywhomst)
  • MARGOT (spacecravat, senator-organa)
  • ALYONAT11 (ohmystars19, narvinisanangrypenguin)
  • LYLY (zaccr_9, zaccr.9)


  • JAYCE (jblacksomething, rassilon-imprimatur) - BERNICE SUMMERFIELD And The Deadly Game of the Murderous Killer
  • ANTONIO RASTELLI (rastellitonio, toniol) - Gifted Memories
  • HOLLEH (unincased) - Little Mother
  • MICHAELA HOOK (mickeyhook, m.|.hook) - A Day of Absolutely Nothing