Red Rose Ranch

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Title: Red Rose Ranch
Author(s): Paula Wilshe and Keri T.
Date(s): 2004
Genre: gen
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
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Red Rose Ranch is a Starsky & Hutch story by Paula Wilshe and Keri T..

It was published in Shining Through and is online.

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Post SR, Starsky and Hutch work undercover at a northern California cattle ranch to discover who is threatening its owner and his young daughter. The guys learn how to saddle and ride a horse, how to throw a lariat, and Starsky tries his hand at barrel racing. All these skills come in handy when the villain of the piece tries to take the guys out of the picture. With Hutch seriously injured, it's up to Starsky to save his partner and get them both back to civilization. I couldn't decide at first whether to put this in Hurt/Comfort or here, but seeing as there is an actual case the guys are trying to solve, it seemed like this was the appropriate category. This is a lot of fun, with snappy lines, a fraught rescue sequence, and wonderful interaction between the guys. [1]


  1. ^ from Case Stories –- Ancasta