Rave Atlantis

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Title: Rave Atlantis
Author(s): Smitty
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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Rave Atlantis is a Stargate Atlantis story by Smitty.

Pairings: Sheppard/Cadman, McKay/Cadman, Sheppard/Cadman/McKay, Sheppard/McKay

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: The second of my Cadman-related recs, in this one she plays an even more ... active, shall we say? ... role in getting the boys together. I've never been to a rave, but the atmosphere of this story captures the kind of feeling I imagine might go with being at one: that feeling of being outside yourself, being free to be someone else, to do someone else, to have no consequences for one's behavior. There's a room in Atlantis for exactly that purpose, full of music and shadows and warm willing personnel, and the temptation of the room is calling to both Rodney and John, but they need a little help to find one another.[1]


  1. ^ rec at Crack Van, January 2008