Rare Character Fanwork Exchange

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Gift Exchange
Name: Rare Character Fanwork Exchange, rarecharacters
Date(s): 2013-2015
Runs: defunct
Moderator(s): neurotoxia, penombrelilas, rc_mod
Founder: ?
Scope: Rare/underappreciated characters
Fandom: multifandom
Associated Community: LiveJournal; Dreamwidth
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The Rare Character Fanwork Exchange was an exchange centered around rare or underappreciated characters. It ran twice, in 2013 and 2014, with three extra treat rounds in 2013-2015. The mods were unable to run a full round in 2015 due to outside obligations.

There were 50 posts and 311 total comments left in the community as of 2022, and 77 total works in the AO3 collection. The LiveJournal community was affiliated with prompt_in_a_box.


1. Minimum criteria for any fanwork:

(Pod)Fic: 1,000 words

Art: 500x500px

Icons: Set of 10

2. No RPF.

3. Any rating is allowed. Make sure it complies with your recipient's wishes.

4. Pairings are allowed. Gen, het, slash, femslash, moresomes are all game.

5. Non-rare characters may appear in fanworks and can be part of a pairing, however they can only play a minor role.

6. Do not post your work anywhere else or reveal who your recipient is until author reveals are over. After reveals, you are welcome to post your work anywhere.

7. Stories have to be read as standalones.

8. Betas are not required, but strongly encouraged. If you have one (or more), consider thanking them in your author's note after the reveals are over.
