RWBY Secret Santa 2014

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Name: RWBY Secret Santa 2014
Date(s): 2014
Type: fanfiction, fan art, gif sets, fan edits, playlists
Fandom: RWBY
URL: tumblr,
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RWBY Secret Santa 2014 was a Secret Santa gift exchange in the RWBY fandom. It had 83 participants.


What is going on?
Well, we are nearing the end of the Calendar year 2014. This means the Holiday Season is approaching. Some might even say that Winter is Coming. Those people live in the Northern Hemisphere. Or Westeros.

So, what’s this about, then?

Secret Santa is an anonymous gift exchange, where you know do not know who is giving you a present and you give one to someone else.


The holiday season is usually seen as a time to be extra giving and cheerful, and an excuse to celebrate is taken and fancy lights shine through the longer nights. I figured that an excuse to bring together the amazing RWBY fandom and create more RWBY-related stuff and put it out there to share with each other.

So who exactly is this for?

Anyone. Obviously, knowledge of RWBY is a requirement, but I hope to get as many people involved as I can. Celebrating Christmas is not a requirement, as we’re just using the holiday as an excuse to spread a little love.

I suck at art.

That’s fine. I do, too. You can make fanmixes, make a cool graphic, write fics, whatever the hell you want! If you don’t have any ideas, ask me or better yet ask the person you’re giving to on anon if they have a preference or something like that. The possibilities are endless.
