Quincy Mini-Con

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Star Trek Convention
Name: Quincy Mini-Con
Dates: 1983
Frequency: once
Location: the Quincy Public Library in Illinois
Type: fan run
Focus: Star Trek
Founder: Angie Doellman, Judy Decker, and Val Winston
Founding Date:
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Quincy Mini-Con is a Star Trek TOS convention that was held at the Quincy Public Library in Illinois.

Con Reports

Recently the Star Trek group in Quincy, Illinois held their version of a mini-con. They found a solid response from fans in the area. Over 100 joined in the activities. ALLIES member Judy Decker writes , "Our 'Mini-Con' in Quincy was a huge success! We were expecting only 30 people to show. That is the number of ST fans we know about. Well, the Quincy-Hereld Whig printed an excellent article about the can, complete with a picture of the Enterprise bridge crew. That's when I started to get nervous. Thank goodness, we had a well behaved crowd. Everyone (100 fans just from Quincy!) had a terrific time. We are now planning an annual "Mini-Can'. Our ST group will co-sponsor it, at the 'much bigger' community room at the Quincy Mall, with the Quincy Gaming Guild." [1]

A small but enthusiastic group of Star Trek fans got together at the Quincy Public library to view episodes, movies, play games, and talk Star Trek. Starting at 10 AM & lasting until 5 PM, the fans feasted on Star Trek. Episodes and TWOK were run consecutively. On the other side of the room were computer games including the SP computer game.

On yet another side of the room was a D&D game in progress. The game that attracted the most attention and generated the most noise was the Star Trek role playing game. There was also a table for exhibits which included fanzines, maps, and a model of the Enterprise. The day ended with the showing of Star Wars, to the delight of the SW fans present. When asked via a questionnaire, most of the 100 plus fans replied that they would be interested in attending a regular convention. [2]


  1. ^ comments in Communications Console (Sept/Oct 1983)
  2. ^ comments in Communications Console (Sept/Oct 1983)