Quicksand (Sentinel story)

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Jim/Blair Fanfiction
Title: Quicksand
Author(s): Donna Jones
Date(s): 6 November 2000
Length: 10971 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Quicksand on AO3

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Quicksand is a Jim/Blair story by Donna Jones. It was originally posted to 852 Prospect and later imported to AO3.

Reactions and Reviews

Author's first story! Always nice to see a new writer take a leap into Sentinel fandom...

Why you should read this: I thought this was a lovely first (and first-time) story; cleanly written, romantic, good characterization and cop stuff, and nice pacing. There were many warm moments where I recaptured that elusive 'honeymoon' perception of the guyz--you know, that buoyed feeling you walked around with in days of yore, when you weren't jaded and had read every story under the sun and imagined them doing it in 69 different positions, and had the fantasy with the collar and the other one with the pirates.

What might throw you off stride: A few people have mentioned the 'talky' bit in the middle, but damn it all, it's short, and not badly done. C'mon, there are stories out there where they spend the entire 60k talking about their relationship. Aside from that, I was a little confused about the details of the B-plot (the cop stuff), but overall this was handled smoothly.[1]


  1. ^ "sentinel recs 2000". Archived from the original on 2004-06-02. 2000 rec by eliade.