Queen's Own Collegia

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Queen's Own Collegia was a gathering of Mercedes Lackey fans at Dragon*Con.

It had its own track of programming.

There was a gathering in 1994, 1996, and 1997, perhaps other years.


From Morgan: "On June 20-23, 1996 Dragon*Con will again host Queen's Own Collegia. Our very special guest is JOSEPHA SHERMAN. Not only is this talented lady one of Misty's co-authors, but a much admired writer in her own right, having penned Child of Faerie, Child of Earth and Gleaming Bright, as well as Once Upon a Galaxy, which no lover of myth and folklore should miss. It's rumored, too, that "The Elvendude" may show up!

Expect not only many of the same activities as last year--including the Tayledras unVALEing, panels in creating a QO persona, workshops and the charity auction (featuring an original manuscript from Misty!!)--but some exciting NEW events, as well. Another Companion is rumored to be hearing toward the convention; will YOU be Chosen? Lastly, but certainly not least, Misty has given permission for QOC to create a board game based on her Heralds of Valdemar books! (This game is exclusive to QOC and is NOT for sale.) Be sure to bring your "whites" and "Ride Circuit" with us!

The 1996 Dragon*Con will be at the Atlanta Hilton & Towers. MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW!!!

For more information on QOC contact [name redacted] and include a SASE. Hope to see you there." [1]
