que lastima pero adios

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Title: que lastima pero adios
Author(s): magneticwave
Date(s): 23 September 2012
Length: 13,795 words
Genre(s): Character Study, Het
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf
External Links: Fic on AO3

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que lastima pero adios is a popular Erica-focused fan fic by magneticwave in the Teen Wolf fandom. The romantic relationship is Erica/Boyd, but the fic is primarily a backstory fic and a character study. It was written just after season 2 aired, and was jossed immediately at the start of season 3.


Erica has gone from one kind of outcast to another; but once, where she was strung out in a galaxy on her own, light-years from everyone else, she’s now part of a solar system of outcasts, rotating around the sun of their Alpha. // “Perhaps we all give the best of our hearts uncritically—to those who hardly think about us in return.” – T. H. White, The Once and Future King

Recs and Responses

Readers praised the fic widely for its treatment of Erica, many bemoaning that canon would never explore her to this extent.

Erica, my queen. Magneticwave brings her to life, gets inside of her head and her heart and all her insecurities. This Erica is someone I’d like to know, and someone I would miss if she left. --febricant's rec.[1]

A really amazing character study of Erica, pre- and post-bite. Lots of thought put into her family and her relationships with her parents and brother. (summary quoted directly from acadine11, and I’ll just add: I loved this exploration of Erica, who she might be, what kind of family life she had. It made me ache -- i had actually tears -- that canon will likely never show us this side of Erica, that in canon we won’t get a chance to see who she will grow into. I’ve never had a character ‘die’ completely outside of canon, with no real chance to mourn them. It’s a crappy feeling so I’m making this fic my forever headcanon) --marguerite_26's rec.[2]

From the opening, my heart ached for Erica. . . This fic articulates why I like Erica, why I’ve always identified with her even if I am about as far from an epileptic sex bomb werewolf as you could possibly get.

And, at the same time, this fic embraces the spirit of Teen Wolf. The concept of family and pack, of finding self-acceptance and learning that you are more than your physical gifts and limitations. It’s wonderfully written…and now I have to go dig up my dog-eared copy of The Once and Future King so I can pretend I’m having book club with new wolf bestie. --Rec post at theficfairy.[3]


  1. ^ Nat’s Not-Particularly-Themed Rec List Of Teen Wolf Fics, accessed 29 August 2014.
  2. ^ Wolf recs: Gen fics, accessed 29 August 2014.
  3. ^ (Teen Wolf), accessed 29 August 2014.