Qo'noS qa'

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Name: Qo'noS qa'
Date(s): January 1999 or earlier - c. 2004?
Type: mailing list, chat room, IRC
Fandom: Star Trek
URL: travel.to/spirit_of_kronos
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Qo'noS qa', or Spirit of Kronos, was a Klingonese community with a mailing list, Java chatroom, ICQ and IRC lists, and website.

The Qo'noS qa' (Spirit of Kronos) is a toQDuj (Bird of Prey vessel) whose crew is a collection of warriors and students interested in exploring and expanding tlhIngan Hol, the official spoken language of the Klingon Empire.

Originally, the Qo'noS qa' was commisssioned to serve in a diplomatic capacity in the fleet of a linguistic campaign whose goal was to expose non-Klingons to the glory and power of the warrior's tongue. Unfortunately, the campaign came to an end, and the fleet was scheduled for decommission; however, the crew of the Qo'noS qa' boldly commandeered their vessel before it could be decommissioned -- and henceforth, the Qo'noS qa' has become independent, upholding the teachings of qeylIS (Kahless) while defending the integrity of tlhIngan Hol, known as "the fastest growing language in the universe."

The Qo'noS qa' offers an electronic mailing list as a forum for discussion of the Klingon language, and a Java-based chat room is also available for real-time, online communications. Several crewmates also utilize ICQ and/or IRC for messaging and chatting.

Anyone interested in learning more about the official language of the Klingon Empire is encouraged to join the Qo'noS qa' mailing list. Share your thoughts about the Klingon language, and together we will bring honor and glory to the study of the warrior's tongue.