Push the Button and Pull the Plug

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Title: "Push the Button and Pull the Plug"
Author(s): victoria_p (musesfool)
Date(s): 2011-04-07
Length: 1,843 words
Fandom(s): Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010 movie)
Relationship(s): Barbara Gordon and Jason Todd
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"Push the Button and Pull the Plug" is a Batman: Under the Red Hood short story written by musesfool.


Once you pull the trigger, you can't take the bullet back.


After Jim Gordon has another close call with the Joker, Barbara Gordon, the vigilante hacker Oracle, contacts the Red Hood.

Reviews and comments

I had no idea how much I longed for this fic until it appeared on my flist. THIS is how it needs to go.[1]

Thank you! I would love to see Jason and Babs team up. It would be terrifying. They could take over the world together.[2]

He eats one in three quick bites that remind her of the hungry teenager he used to be, and feeds the other to the pigeons that gather at his feet. Oh Barbara, oh Jason. Yes, This is what they needed and the Joker needs to be gone. But all I can think of are the future consequences for both of them.[3]

Thanks so much for your help. You made it a much better story. And yeah, even if no one else ever finds out about it, it's going to haunt them, probably in ways they wouldn't expect. Sigh.[4]

really, the rest of the stories you've done with jason were nice, but this one was inspired![5]

Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. I still feel cheated of Jason-Babs interaction since he's been back. Sigh.[6]

<3<3<3 Jason Barbara parallels are fascinating, and I love how they both come to the same place from... different angles, I guess. Barbara slowly trudging into that same place while Jason barrels forward, the slow and deliberate contrasted against his more frenetic rage. their dialogue is lovely[7]
