Progeny (Phantom of the Opera zine)

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Title: Progeny
Author(s): Becky L. Meadows
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): mid to late 1990s
Medium: print
Genre: het
Fandom: Phantom of the Opera
Language: English
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Progeny is a het Phantom of the Opera novel by Becky L. Meadows.

It has a sequel called Phantasy.

Reactions and Reviews

One word: wow. This, my friends, is quite possibly the best fanfic novel I have read. Progeny, picking up elements from Leroux, ALW, and Susan Kay, seeks to build a sequel for he original tale. While the ideas of Progeny haven't grabbed me in the same way that the "big three" did, the book is nonetheless a compelling, extremely enjoyable read for any fan of the romance underlying Phantom. Meadows' story is highly entertaining, has a superb grasp of Erik (the ALW influence is marked), and is genuinely moving to boot--if you don't cry at a certain point, you're no Phantom fan. There are some problems with the text; Meadows overuses certain phrases (raking hands through his hair, torrents of tears) and her plot wobbles a bit as it asks the reader to follow her through less likely parts of the plot. The ending seems a bit rushed, and the reader is left with a bit of discontent when the final page is pushed over. But the whole works; I devoured the book, rediscovering my joy in Phantom in the process. [1]


  1. ^ from [1]