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Title: Post-Grad
Author(s): Te
Date(s): 1999
Length: Series
Genre(s): AU
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Post-Grad (archived link), Post-Grad on AO3

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Post-Grad was a series written by Te. It paired Spike and Xander from the Buffyverse, and is widely considered to be the first Spander fic.

The Series

The series consists of 6 parts including fics, snippets and one fic written by another author in response to Post-Grad. They are:

  • Post-Grad I ("Summary: Life tends to change after high school.")
  • Post-Grad II: On Holiday
  • Snippet: Always More
  • Snippet: Wave
  • Bad For You (by The Spike, used with permission)
  • Snippet: Done

Author's Notes

Acknowledgments: To Woodinat, Viridian, and Dawn Sharon for forcing me to see the genius that is BtVS, and mucho encouragement on this story besides. And then there was Spike and Rae, without whose willingness to listen to me blather there would have been no story at all. Mucho thanks go to Beth for wondrous beta.

5/10/2014: So, this was my *very* first Buffy story, written and posted just about a year after I first started actively participating in fandom full stop -- i.e., 15 years ago. I am *terrified* to look at it now, even though most of the other stories I've written at this rough time period weren't so terrible to my eyes, and even though this story in particular was quite popular at the time.

To be quite frank, this is one of the most popular stories, in one of the most popular *series*, that I have *ever* produced in *any* fandom. Still... [1]

Related and Inspired



Reviews and Reception

Very possibly the first X/S ever. Xander tries to leave it all behind. Spike decides he wants Xander to stay. They make a deal. A month. Things happen. Dark and dreamy and disturbing and oddly real. [2]

Spike/Xander. Spoilers through "Enemies." Is followed by the equally delicious Post-Grad II: On Holiday, which I was originally going to review right along with "Post-Grad." Upon re-reading the first story, though, I realized that it made more sense just to concentrate on it alone. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't also read "Post-Grad II" - you must, along with the collection of lovely shorter snippets that follow.

Why you should read this: Excellent, excellent Xander voice. His despair is palpable and believable, and throughout it he still sounds like Xander. Te does a nice job with descriptive language - enough to create mood and imagery without pushing over the line into too much. Spike is dark and deliciously bad. Can a story be hopeless and hopeful at the same time? I think this one is. [3]
