Popular romance trilogy gets US publisher

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News Media Commentary
Title: Popular romance trilogy gets US publisher
Date(s): 10 March 2012
Venue: Associated Press
Fandom: Fifty Shades of Grey, Twilight
External Links: Popular romance trilogy gets US publisher (now offline)
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Popular romance trilogy gets US publisher is an article about Fifty Shades of Grey, an erotic novel that started out as Twilight fanfiction.

James’ trilogy began as fan fiction, a thriving genre online in which fans write variations of their favorite books and characters, stories usually intended solely for fellow aficionados. James used the vampire Edward and teen Bella from Stephenie Meyers’ mega-selling “Twilight’’ and placed them in Seattle. First called “Master of the Universe’’ and published two years ago on the website http://www.fanfiction.net, James’ stories attracted a strong following and were released commercially in 2011 by Writer’s Coffee Shop. The books’ success has set off a strong debate online. On a chat room for NBC’s “Today’’ show, which ran a segment on the trilogy earlier this month, several negative messages were posted, saying it was wrong for readers to pay for a trilogy originally available for free and that Christian and Anastasia were stand-ins for Edward and Bella.