Podfic Polygons

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Name: Podfic Polygons
Date(s): 2018-2019
Founder: reena_jenkins, shmaylor, aethel
Type: Podfic
Fandom: multifandom
URL: Dreamwidth, Tumblr, AO3 collection
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Podfic Polygons is a multifandom podfic challenge, in the style of Round Robins, in which groups of 3 or more podficcers create audio fanworks by each contributing a step to the process.

The challenge ran in Spring 2018 and 2019.


How it works:

There are three different types of Polygon groups: Triangles, Squares, and Pentagons.

In a Triangle polygon, there are three steps. All three members will:

  1. select a fic to record, then pass the fic to another member in the triangle
  2. record the fic they received, then pass the recording
  3. edit the recording they received, and then the podfics are ready to post!

In the end, you get three finished podfics where each member selected, recorded, and edited a different piece of each one! [...]

Square polygons work the same way, but with four members and the added step of cover art.

Pentagons have five members and the added step of music/sound effects.[1]

Challenge Results

As of 2022, the AO3 collection hosts 42 works in 31 fandoms for the 2018 challenge and 38 works in 32 fandoms for the 2019 challenge.[2]

In 2018, seven triangle teams produced 21 podfics, four square teams produced 16 podfics, and one pentagon team produced five podfics. In 2019, seven triangle teams produced 21 podfics, three square teams produced 12 podfics, and one pentagon team produced five podfics.[3]

Example Works


  1. ^ 2019 Rules, Archived version, dreamwidth post by shmaylor in podficpolygons, Mar. 3rd, 2019. Accessed 23 January 2022.
  2. ^ Challenges/Subcollections in Podfic Polygons, Archived version, AO3 collection. Accessed 23 January 2022.
  3. ^ podficpolygons dreamwidth community reveals tag, Archived version. Accessed 23 January 2022.