PoT Claims

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Journal Community
Name: pot_claims
Date(s): 2005-2009
Moderator: mistyfox
Founder: mistyfox
Type: Claiming
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
URL: https://pot-claims.livejournal.com/

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PoT Claims was a LiveJournal community for claiming characters from the Prince of Tennis. Users posting in the community could claim up to three characters, episodes, items, etc.


1) Only one person per claim. So claims are on a first come first served basis. No flaming others who claimed it before you did.

2) There's lots of tenipuri to go around, so say... 3 claims per person? Anyone who contributes to the community gets extra claims (number of extra claims depends on the contribution).

3) The only thing you can't claim would be the main anime and manga itself, because that wouldn't be fair. (eg 'Could I please claim the series Tennis no Oujisama?' is not allowed.)

4) When you claim a character, you claim him or her for the anime, manga, and musical. So if someone has already claimed Ryoma, another person can't claim 'Echizen from tenimyu'. Get it? >_<

However, you can claim Endo Yuya or Minagawa Junko even if Ryoma has already been taken. Seiyuus and musical actors are different from characters.

