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Title: Ping
Author(s): Speranza
Date(s): 2002-08-07
Length: 6861 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Kowalski
External Links: at Speranza's website
at AO3

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Ping is a Fraser/RayK story by Speranza.

It was podficced in 2007 by Zabira and in 2013 by desireearmfeldt.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: Oh my. Just OH MY!! I can't believe this hasn't been recc'ed before. It's just so hot and just so perfect and just so HOT.[1]


  1. ^ Crack Van rec by jooniper_pearl, Ping by Speranza (NC-17), Archived version, posted to livejournal 2004-05-24.