Perek 4

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Title: Perek 4
Author(s): batyatoon, gnomi, lannamichaels
Date(s): February 25, 2021
Length: 583 words
Genre(s): Documentation, or maybe exegesis
Fandom(s): Star Wars: Original Trilogy
External Links: Archive of Our Own

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Perek 4 is Star Wars fanfic batyatoon, gnomi, lannamichaels. Written for Purim in 2021, the fic is one of dozens of Jewish fanfics written by these three authors seperately or working together. Perek 4 is a reinterpretation of the opening text crawl of the 1977 movie in the style of Mikraos Gedelos.

The title is a reference to the movie's later renaming to Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope -- "perek"] means "chapter" or "episode" in Hebrew.

Fan Reactions

Probably the best words-to-wit ratio of anything I have ever read on this website

LeftPawedPolarBear on AO3 [1]

[technoshaman Thu 25 Feb 2021 09:26PM PST]
And lo, you lot have discovered the gift of Endings, those which are not safe for one's soda, or one's tea, or one's wine by which one gets roaring drunk at Purim. Blessed are you, for laughter truly is the best medicine.

(I'm not usually this purple when giving praise, or prose, but it's kinda the spirit of the day, ne-c'est-pas?)

[Lanna Michaels (lannamichaels) Fri 26 Feb 2021 04:51AM PST]
Thank you! gnomi writes great jokes :D
Beautiful! Truly a perfect Purim gift.

DandelionWine Thu 25 Feb 2021 10:05PM PST [1]

Fantastic! I love translations and explorations of Star Wars mythmaking into other traditions.

HSavinien Sat 27 Feb 2021 07:08AM PST [1]

This made me laugh, and this also made me cry. Ha'mavin yavin.
Fics like this are why I love fandom, why I love fanfiction. The names are hilarious, I can't wait to come back and see what I pick up on next time.

blabbyshark Sat 27 Feb 2021 07:08AM PST [1]

Excellent! Ha'mavin Yavin was my favorite. I also enjoyed the Chayei Leia quietly wanking about whether Episode 9 is Canon.

seekingferret on Dreamwidth [2]



  1. ^ a b c d Comments on Perek 4, Archived version. Posted to AO3 at various dates from 25 February 2021 - 28 July 2023. Accessed 12 September 2024.
  2. ^ Comments on "Perek 4", Archived version. Posted 26 February 2021. Accessed 12 September 2024.