Passing the Torch

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Title: Passing the Torch
Author(s): caliecat
Date(s): 10 March 2011
Length: 3,975 words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Passing the Torch (AO3)

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Passing the Torch is a Hawaii Five-0 story by caliecat.

Summary: After she meets Steve, Rachel discovers that Danny is in good hands. Extended coda to Episode 1x10, Heihei.

Recs and Reviews

airing: author says Gen, but so slashably good... [...] This fic is a Rachel POV, something that would usually make me cringe and not read. But Calie just breathes life into and makes her a character I can love and completely understand. She's more human in this and I get why she does what she does. Her reasoning for why their marriage didn't work sounds so right for their characters. And boy do I love her POV on Steve, his strengths, insecurities, and how deeply he cares for her child and ex-husband. A lovely character piece that makes a character shine that so many in fandom hate, an individual with her own insecurities, her own take on things, and who has love and honor all her own.[1]


  1. ^ duonoaikouka in: crack_van. Passing the Torch by Caliecat (PG13), 15 March 2013. (Accessed 08 June 2016)