Paradise Lost (Star Trek: TOS story)

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: The Mechanics of Love and War
Author(s): Natasha Solten
Date(s): 1991
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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The Mechanics of Love and War is a Kirk/Spock story by Natasha Solten.

It was published in the print zine The 25th Year where it was part of an interconnected series of stories.


"Spockʼs help in getting Kirk over Miramaneeʼs death brings the bondmates closer."

Reactions and Reviews

'Paradise Lost' by Natasha Solten is also one of my favorite stories in the zine. With Natasha‘s usual light, poetic hand, we watch as Kirk must move forward after the loss of Miramanee and his unborn child. Again, the subject of life and death looms over the K/S relationship. Spock questions why he couldn‘t tell if Kirk was alive or dead, why he hadn‘t been able to feel Kirk through their bond. A lovely, sweet story that addresses subjects that are anything but lovely or sweet. [1]
