The Persian Flaw

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Title: The Persian Flaw
Editor: Katharine Scarritt
Author(s): Mary Lowe
Cover Artist(s): Carolyn Cooper
Illustrator(s): Carolyn Cooper
Date(s): 1994
Medium: print
Fandom: Kung Fu: The Legend Continues
Language: English
External Links: Read 'The Persian Flaw' on AO3
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The Persian Flaw is a 78-page gen Kung Fu: The Legend Continues novel by Mary Lowe.

From the Author's Forward

This story about how Fear is the only darkness, and Truth is the only light, and Love is the only good, and Shame the only death was inspired by the beautiful, vivid portrayals of David Carradine as Kwai Chang Caine, and Chris Potter as Peter Caine, and all the other wonderful people who make up the universe of Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, but I required a lot of help from my friends to complete this labor of love you hold in your hands.

I would like to extend grateful acknowledgements to my best friend, Katharine Scarritt, who is my no‑nonsense editor, and who is also responsible for the typesetting and layout of the zine, and who made the great little dragon‑letters that begin each chapter. She also endured innumerable hours of Kung Fu, old and new, and many months of "It says in the Tao that … "

I would also like to thank my friend Carolyn Cooper for the wonderful artwork that graces my story. She spent many, many hours on the beautiful cover, benevolently—well, not so benevolently, really—("You want me to do WHAT to his hair??") working until everything was just Perfect. And she stayed up nights to get all those great illos done in time, enduring suggestions like "Why can't you put a dragon on his lapel?"

An ad in Chris Potter News says there was a second issue of this in the works, an anthology of related and unrelated stories, but this second zine never made it off the ground.