Over My Dead Body

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Title: Over My Dead Body
Author(s): JSS
Date(s): 2010
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek (2009)
External Links: Over My Dead Body

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Over My Dead Body is a Kirk/Spock story by JSS.

Reactions and Reviews

I firmly believe that no writing is ever wrong.

Everyone should have the right to express themselves, and part of embracing the free expression that, after all, allows the existence of K/S, is to accept the words of those we don‘t agree with.

Over My Dead Body is a story that has the potential to divide, anger and even disgust. It doesn‘t pull any punches; it doesn‘t accept any rules; it doesn‘t reach out to the reader and say 'please like me‘. Instead it says: 'This is what I am. Take it or leave it.‘ Many people, I‘m sure, will leave it, and I couldn‘t blame them for that. It's a hard story to read. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #163