one equals one equals zero

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Title: one equals one equals zero
Author(s): Khyber
Date(s): 2000
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: posted here and here

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one equals one equals zero is an X-Files Scully/OFC/Mulder story by Khyber.

Author's Notes and Acknowledgments

RATING: NC17 for extremely graphic f/f/m sex, heavy-handed

metaphor, and '80s goth references. CATEGORIES: VA KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully/Other sex, Scully/Other slash SPOILERS: Er, "Fire," and the orgy scene in "Detour II." What, you haven't seen that one? SUMMARY: Scully finds it harder than it used to be.

Author's notes: If you are reading this on atxc or Ephemeral in October 2005, it is being reposted purely for purposes of Gossamerization. Originally posted way back in 2000. Has had *minor* edits since then. This was written in the darkest days of Season Six, when all them angels and devils that was in my head stopped disagreein' and started agreein'.

FEEDBACK: "This is implausible and gratuitous porn because..." feedback gratefully accepted at [email protected]. "u suk, I thot u wer a shipper, scully isnt a dyke" feedback can be sent to [email protected].[1]

Hate mail, we get hate mail... Man, people hate this story. I mean, they REALLY hate this story. I think it's because people hate Phoebe Green, and thus even mentioning her gets hackles up. And then where you go where I do in this story, out come the torches and the pitchforks. It did sneak in and win a 3rd place for Scully slash in the 2000 Spookys, which indicates to me that either the majority of people voting for that category have a sense of humour, or that there wasn't a lot of Scully slash written that year. In my defence, if sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, we are not just cigars." [2]

Reactions and Reviews

In 2000, this won a third place in the Scully Slash category and also apparently generated a lot of hate mail.

So what do you think?

It should have won first place. Or

Die Khyber Die!!!! [3]

I really can't see this.

Scully with girl fantasy or 3-way fantasy--sure, why not. But choose a different girl.

Nice Mulder, though.[4]

I don't think this story is about the sex, exactly.

I think this story is about Scully feeling left behind again, shut out again. I think she is pissed off at Mulder for leaving and not telling her, pissed off at herself for putting up with his crap. I think there is a certain amount of envy (why her?)and self-loathing reflected in that fantasy. The image of her in the corner, on a stool (they don't really have any chairs...uh well why not, babe, it's your fantasy) watching Mulder being fellatiated by Phoebe is the dirtiest, filthiest, naughtiest fantasy she could come up with is why. Because that is what she needs to get off. The pretty stuff, even the pretty threesome won't work, not now, not in the headspace she's in.

I think there is a deep level of understanding of Scully's psychology here.

I am obviously voting "it should have won first place." The first and second place stories are not even close to this in terms of hotness and emotional complexity.[5]

Silly Wendy. The Spookies were never about emotional complexity. I get that the pretty stuff won't work. Don't know about the self-loathing.[6]

Hmm, I guess I agree with Wendy. This is complex, aware, heady porn. Lots of room for interpretation.

It *is* porn, however, and the fact that I personally found it nonarousing led to me noticing a couple of not-good things. First, the physical action is confusing. So many body parts, so much screen time, so much nudging and winking and turning and laying and lying...

Which brings up a grammatical failing that is really showcased in this one. Know the one? I feel petty letting it bother me so, but over and over.

The concept of the story doesn't bother me, but I think the treatment needed a bit more clarity. I have, however, no problem with Phoebe. Geez, my husband hates her accent! IMHO, she's worlds more attractive and interesting than Diana. And I love the idea of her and Mulder tripping out and getting dirty back in the shady 80s, and I love how bitterly tempting Scully finds the notion.[7]

I've saved all of Khyber's in my fic folder but this one was missing. Now I know why. How shall I put this... EEWWW! Mulder/Phoebe does not bother me. Scully/Phoebe does not bother me, but this fic... just ...[8]

I consider Khyber to be one of the best writers (no longer) in our fandom. He wrote complicated plots, complex characters, both canon and original, witty dialogue, and well, um, really hot sex. Though he ships Mulder and Scully, and some of his stories are humorous, his version of them is kind of messed up, psychologically speaking. This is not MSR, and it's not exactly femslash either. What it is, is a scorching hot, twisted, sexual fantasy threesome.[9]


  1. ^ author's comments
  2. ^ author's commentary
  3. ^ comment by Wendy Fic Talk's Message Board, June 23, 2008
  4. ^ comment by Conundrum Fic Talk's Message Board, June 23, 2008
  5. ^ comment by Wendy Fic Talk's Message Board, June 23, 2008
  6. ^ comment by Conundrum Fic Talk's Message Board, June 23, 2008
  7. ^ comment by EleanorS Fic Talk's Message Board, June 23, 2008
  8. ^ comment by dee Fic Talk's Message Board, June 23, 2008
  9. ^ Crack Van, January 2014