Omega 13

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Title: Omega 13
Editor(s): Holli
Cover Artist(s):
Medium: ezine
Fandom: Galaxy Quest
Language: English
External Links: available as a PDF here
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Omega 13 is a 20-page meta, fiction and art Galaxy Quest ezine. Despite the cover numbering, there are no other issues. The zine's central conceit is that it is the product of the (in real life, nonexistent) fandom for the (also nonexistent) Galaxy Quest TV show. Omega 13 was made to accompany the Yuletide story SMOF. The credits listed in the TOC are Galaxy Quest-themed pseudonyms for the real contributors, who are listed in the notes for the fic.

cover by Middleagedlaredo

It is free to download. It was edited and published by Holli as part of the Dreamwidth community DIYFanzines.

The community profile announced: "We're here to attempt to make fanzines in the DIY mode: rather than big bound volumes of fic, let's try something smaller, more individual and more experimental. Use meta, fanart, and short fic to talk about your favorite fandoms, and soon you'll be master of the long-arm stapler!"[1]


  • Five Times We All Yelled "NOW KISS" at the Screen by Laliarisgirl
  • NSEA Log Counted Cross Stitch Pattern by Grabtharshammertime
  • Shelter, fic by Beryllimsphere
  • Alexander Dane's Four Most Memorable Stage Roles by Drblahzarus
  • Backup, fic by Tawny Quester
  • In Defense of "Chronos Intruder" by Sally Snyder
  • art by Zequals4tinbras, Guildenstern, and Thermian Cutie 07
