Offstage Theatre Group

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Name: Offstage Theatre Group
Date(s): 1991 - 2003?
Fandoms: Doctor Who, James Bond, Sherlock Holmes, more
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Offstage Theatre Group was a comedy sketch group founded by Stephen Rix in 1991 as an after-school club. Most of their shows were either non-fannish or Doctor Who. They performed at conventions including Dimensions On Tyne, Invasion, and Destiny. Their fannish shows include Adventures In Tyne And Space, Arrant Nonsense, Deja Vu Of The Doctors, The Man With The Golden Balls, The Inflatable Penguin Show, and Beyond The Sofa.

Cast and Crew

  • Anthony Baldwin
  • Timothy Baldwin
  • Lisa Hamner-O'Neill
  • Kathryn Hopkins
  • Barnaby Jones
  • Kim Jones
  • Sophie Jones
  • Ian Kubiak
  • Francis Moloney
  • James Prince
  • David Ratty
  • Bob Roberts
  • Vince Stadon