Obligations (Tomorrow People zine)

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Title: Obligations
Author(s): Charles Mento
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): 1990s
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Tomorrow People
Language: English
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Obligations is a 188-page gen Tomorrow People novel by Charles Mento.

From an ad in The Monthly: "Time travel is a dangerous occupation as Time Guardian Peter and his allies find out. Peter's friend, a warrior, wants to find and destroy the aliens that killed his people off. His revenge may cost the lives of all his traveling companions. Rico enters the picture when the alien children -- deadly pirate boys -- have been brought to Earth in the present by TP Rollin. Introduces a major new villain-hero and his 9 crew mates 2 new TP, 3 Native Americans, 2 potential future TP (one with divided loyalties after joining the pirate boys). Rico and Borg have their friendship tested. Kravic 's recovery from kill-lust has a setback."
