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Title: Objectives
Author(s): shalott
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
External Links: Objectives

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Objectives is a Stargate SG-1 Jack/Daniel story by shalott.

Reactions and Reviews

Best FF That Proves That If You Don't - Oh My God. I Was About to Make a 'Come Prepared' Joke. Someone Needs to Save Me from Myself. Although It May Already Be Too Late. Objectives, by Shalott, aka astolat. Stargate: SG-1, Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson.

I have something of an embarrassment squick, and by that I actually mean an embarrassment squick so severe that when I tried to type out an example for this sentence I had to take a twelve-hour break from writing this post. Seriously. It's bad, people. I'd rather random-browse on fanfiction.net* than read embarrassment fic. What does this mean for my life? Well, yes, it means that I flee from movies intended for the under 21 crowd. But, hey, not like I'm missing much there. Unfortunately, it also means that I sometimes flee from perfectly good pieces of fan fiction. So I have a special notation I put in my shorthand descriptions for stories that could've hit my squick, but didn't. It consists mostly of exclamation points, and this story gets a lot of them for the way Shalott navigates a conversation that had the potential to be hideously painful (well, for people like me) and instead is just wildly funny. (That Shalott, how I love her. She never triggers my embarrassment gag reflex. These days, I don't even stop reading her stories when I realize a potentially embarrassing scene is coming up, because I know she'll handle it with style and grace and no squick at all. I think she might have superpowers or something.) So, basically, in this story, there's humor, and then there's alien-induced sex, and then there's more humor. I can't imagine a world where that would be anything less than delightful.[1]

Objectives by shalott is quite possibly the perfect execution of a very SG-1 slash scenario. Which is to say yeah, it's a cliche--but the thing about this fandom is that it was designed for the kind of PWP cliches that wouldn't go over half so well elsewhere, 'cause it's based on a show where the characters constantly fall victim to strange alien technology and are locked up and infected and subjected to mind control and knocked unconscious and encounter space/time anomalies on a regular basis... And the way it's done here is short, funny, and in character with killer dialogue and great sex.[2]

Teal'c has been taken prisoner on an alien world and two of the remaining SG-1 team have to have sex in front of an audience to free him without violence. Earth really needs this alliance, so the three discuss who will be "doing it" for the good of the mission.

"I'm not saying we should--" Daniel said, then stopped and hurriedly redirected. "It's just, in this culture there isn't a taboo--" Jack felt his eyes bulging, and Daniel stopped again, then said defensively, "Well, you wanted to know all the options!"

"Not an option!" Jack yelled. "No!"

"Hang on. But it was an option when it involved me?" Sam said, her eyes suddenly hard.


Again, the Lady of Shalott takes a very common fannish plotline and puts her own original spin on it. I especially love Sam's outrage in this scene and Jack's reactions to it.[3]
