Nothing a Little Pill Won't Cure

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Title: Nothing a Little Pill Won't Cure
Author(s): Kay Wells
Date(s): 1990
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Nothing a Little Pill Won't Cure is a K/S story by Kay Wells.

It was published in the print zine As I Do Thee #15.

art by Kay Wells for this story in As I Do Thee


"The dissatisfaction Kirk feels in his relationship with Spock seems unfair until he forces Spock into a confrontation that changes the pitch of their relationship forever."

Reactions and Reviews


This was a nearly perfectly written established relationship story about Kirk's wishing that Spock would behave more passionately. It was focused, moved well, and had the author's usual mastery of dialogue. It's a shame that the very same topic has been done before (which is more noticeable in established relationship stories, since there are fewer of them) — right down to Spock's frantic apology immediately after the sex scene. This particular story offered little that was new, though I did enjoy the author's highly readable, fresh, crisp style. [1]

I thought I was reading another first time/erotic dreams scenario, so it was a nice surprise that Kirk and Spock were already bonded. This is a good story about the dangers of lack of communication in any personal relationship. The only complaint I light have is that the story lost some of its momentum near the end. [2]

A good solid K/S story. The kind we read zines for. Not a great plot, just a good sexy, loving story. [3]
