Not Bad for a First Try

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Title: Not Bad for a First Try
Author(s): C.R. Faddis
Date(s): 1975, 1976
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
External Links: story available at AO3

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Not Bad for a First Try is Star Trek: TOS story by C.R. Faddis.

It was published in Warped Space #10 and R & R #1.

Reactions and Reviews

'Not Bad for a First Try,' by Connie Faddis... is another 'Spock is in pon farr -- will the nearest female-type give herself to him or will she let him die' stories that are so common. The only difference is that this one is very well done. The female in this case, a doctor, is a brilliantly delineated person, not just someone for the Vulcan to screw -- to put it bluntly. [1]
