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Title: Nightfalling
Author(s): Jessica Harris
Date(s): 1999, 2000
Length: 8,760 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Nightfalling I, Nightfalling II (Jessica Harris's Slash Page)
Nightfalling series (AO3)

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Nightfalling is a Mulder/Krycek slash series by Jessica Harris.

  • Nightfalling I. Summary: Krycek's orders were to make Fox Mulder disappear, but he never expected to lose his own way back. (25 November 1999)
  • Nightfalling II. Summary: Mulder and Krycek fall further still, but who is the real victim? (07 July 2000)

Recs and Reviews

Teetering on the edge of consent, or maybe as close to consent as some of these guys can get ## XF: If you wrote a story where one man was too fucked up for meaningful consent, and the other was too weak to turn down anything pushed onto him, you might have Nightfalling I by Jessica Harris.[1]

Jessica's story, Nightfalling opens up a new series where blood and pain have stripped Mulder, given him to Krycek and the night.[2]


  1. ^ Sandy Herrold. Issues of Consent: Sandy’s mostly "Slash Without Consent" link page, via Wayback. (Accessed 21 October 2019)
  2. ^ Lisa e Krysa Awards Nominee description Best Author 1999. (Accessed 21 October 2019)