Never Enough Dark

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Title: Never Enough Dark
Author(s): Cheryl Rice
Date(s): 1976
Genre(s): gen
External Links: Never Enough Dark

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Never Enough Dark is a Star Trek: TOS story by Cheryl Rice.

It was published in the print zine Alpha Continuum #1.

Reactions and Reviews

Nice dilemma, though needed more done with it. Enterprise has rescued a bunch of bird-like folks from their nova-ing star, has filled the ship with them and has several boatloads in tow, but the transporters are burned out and they can't warp away. Spock advocates dropping the load to escape -- but then ends up providing incubator space for the rambunctious babies in his nice, warm cabin. I still don't get the title. [1]

'Never Enough Dark' is by Cheryl Rice and this is not one of her best, it is basically a rescue story but is extremely bland. There just isn't enough gut emotion that the plot line deserves. [2]

"Never Enough Dark" by Cheryl Rice gives one claustrophobia as well as thoughtful sketches of Kirk and Spock under pressure. [3]
