Near Wild Heaven

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Title: Near Wild Heaven
Author(s): AuKestrel
Date(s): circa 1999
Length: novel
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Kowalski
External Links: Near Wild Heaven at AO3

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Near Wild Heaven is a due South story by AuKestrel.

Sometimes referred to as the R.E.M. trilogy for its titles, Near Wild Heaven was a highly influential and popular Fraser/Kowalski story. It is written in three parts: Losing My Religion, Sweetness Follows, and Near Wild Heaven. (The story Three Christmases is a prequel.)

Reactions and Reviews

The longer I read slash, the more I appreciate and crave really long stories like this one. Over a megabyte long, it is a very fulfilling story that re-writes canon in a very believable way. I love post-COTW stories, but I loved this even though COTW doesn't happen in this universe that AuKestrel has so skillfully created. I got the feeling while reading this that AuKestrel has Ray and Fraser whispering in her ear, the characterizations are so accurate. This is what slash is all about, it can't all be hot sex and forgiving co-workers. There are ramifications to be explored when male cops love other male cops, and I like to see those issues dealt with in slash, not glossed over into a perfect fantasy world. Lovely angst, realistic sex, and perfect character voices. You can't ask for more than this. [1]

Oh man, IMHO, what’s *not* to love about this story? Realism, good characterization, good dialogue, great sex, and novel length -- shall I go on? This is simply a wonderful chronicle (in realistic glory) of a relationship between Fraser and Ray Kowalski. Although some Ray V. fans out there might be upset by the way he is portrayed -- I’m sorry, but I have to say that I think his reaction to the whole situation would probably be accurate. Kudos to AuK for *hours* of great reading! [2]
