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Naked Now
Zine | |
Title: | Naked Now |
Publisher: | Hummers Ink, later agented by New Leaf Publications |
Editor(s): | |
Date(s): | early to mid 1990s |
Series?: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | |
Genre: | |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TNG |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
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Naked Now is a Star Trek: TNG adult het Picard/Crusher anthology with four issues. It was published in South Africa.
From Media Monitor: "More of those Picard/Crusher stories that you crave. Poetry, cartoons, art. Contains R-rated material."
Issue 1
Naked Now 1 contains 46 pages and is digest-sized. It was published in 1991 or shortly before.
- Love's Edge by T'Mar
- Look to Your Dreams
- Encounter Session by T'Mar
- Altruism's Consequences by T'Mar
- seven other unknown stories
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1
This zine of Picard/Crusher stories is a 48-page A5 publication containing nine stories varying in length from short to very short. The writing is very good throughout and although one or two of the plots seem a trifle contrived, once you suspend disbelief they are well developed.Possibly the best story in the zine is Love's Edge. Picard lies to undergo a routine test to prove that his loyalty to Starfleet still takes precedence over other loyalties. Hypnotised into believing it is happening, he is subjected to an incident in the holodeck with Troi, Crusher and a visiting doctor (Pulaski) supervising. However, something goes slightly wrong with the test, and the result is something of a rewrite of City on the Edge of Forever (since the test involves going through the Guardian of Forever), it's very well handled, and I'd say the zine is worth getting it for this story alone.
Look to Your Dreams is another nicely handled story - Picard and Riker are invited to dinner by way of Valentine cards, their hostesses - of course - being Crusher and Troi (though ii follows Picard and Crusher). As a story, it's a little bit of fluff, but it's entertaining fluff.
Picard/Crusher love stories aren't my usual choice of reading, but if you are a Crusher fan, and think the idea of a romance between Captain and Doctor is - well - romantic, this is a zine you'll thoroughly enjoy. [1]
Issue 2
Naked Now 2 contains 102 pages and is digest-sized.
- If Dreams and Wishes Were Merely For Children by T'Mar
- All Against Me by T'Mar
- The Girl of My Best Friend by T'Mar
- Genetic Miracles by T'Mar
- My Heart's Best Treasure by T'Mar
- Other unknown content
Issue 3
Naked Now 3 contains 101 pages and is full-sized.
- Then, Now and Forever and Eternity by Saragh McCruddren (Beverly is having a meal in a restaurant with a group of friends; Picard among them. Someone is watching her intently.)
- Somewhere Out There
- Birthday Blues
- The Power of Love
- Where None Have Gone Before
- Just a little Naughty
- It's Now or Never by T'Mar
- Passion and Soul
- Betrayed
- Doctor's Holiday
- Something to Believe In
- Curable Conditions
- Illusions of Reality
- Love Will Turn You Around
- Mirror Image
- Stepping Stone
- Memories and Appearance
- A New Life
- Innocent Heart
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3
This is the third in a series of zines from Hummers Ink, a small group of South African tans who got together to write down their Picard/Crusher fantasies. These stones are primarily romances and, although you will find the characters doing things Paramount would never allow, it is all 'in the best possible taste' and should probably be rated PG.In the 100 A4 pages there are 19 P/C stories, 1 poem and 1 Quantum Leap crossover (which I could happily live without). Here is a quick resume of the contents: Somewhere Out There - A young Beverly dreams or' meeting her 'Prince'. Birthday Blues - Deanna sets Beverly up with a 'date' on the holodeck. Where None Have Gone Before - Bev gets her own back on Vash. The Power of Love - Jean-Luc has a nightmare about Lwaxana Troi. Just a little Naughty - Bev in satin, lace and suspenders! Betrayed - This is a longer and more serious story. Has Bev betrayed the Enterprise, and is Jack still alive? It's Now or Never - Jean-Luc wakes up in Bev's bed but can't remember how he got there. Passion and Soul - Seeing Bev in Data's arms P decides he has to act.
For the Romantics': Something to Believe In - P &C share a quiet moment on the holodeck. Then, Now, Forever and Eternity - P & C relax in a cafe and Odan watches. Doctor's Holiday - P & C end up sharing a holiday cottage on Pacifica.
Inspired by Classic Trek (my favourite section): Mirror Image - Bev, Riker and O'Brien experience a mirror universe and one of them isn't all that keen to come back. Curable Conditions - A young Vulcan scientist transfers his pon farr to Picard, who must then mate or die! Illusions of Reality - This is The Cage revisited. Beverly and Picard have to participate in a number of illusions. Love Will Turn You Around - P & C are switched, the crew doesn't know and Bev's old flame is on board.
Inspired by TNG (or sequelitis): Stepping Stone - Bev wrestles with her guilt after leaving Picard on Seltrus III Memories and Appearances - Consequences of The Host. A New Life - Bev's in trouble after her 'interesting evening' with the impostor Picard. Innocent Heart - Kamala is back on the Enterprise.
There's nothing here for the hard-core SF fan, but if you're looking tor a well-written story with a little bit of conflict or humour and a happy ending, then this is the zine for you. 10 out of 10.[2]
Issue 4
Naked Now 4 contains 76 pages and is full-sized. "Issue #4 offers you more of those Picard/Crusher stories that you crave."
- Could've Been Me by Saragh McCrudden (Jean-Luc is tormented by what might have been.
- Earth, Sweet Earth by Bianca Lawrence (Homesick for the sight of Earth, Beverly Crusher finds herself about to join the away team to investigate a planet much like Earth -- 80 million years ago.)
- Unusual Dreams by Saragh McCrudden (Remember after their talk in 'Attached', Picard and Crusher lay apart near the fire. This story tells of what they dreamed of.)
- Stone Walls Do Not A Prison Make by Mami Scott (When Picard and Crusher find themselves on a strange planet where times moves forward and then back again, can their relationship move ahead as well?)
- Blackjack, Crap & All That Jazz by Sheena Ainsbury (A challenge from Deanna, the Monte Carlo Holodeck program, and a seductive red dress all serve their purpose when Dr. Crusher pulls out all the stops,for her evening out with the Captain.)
- Friendly Persuasion by T'Mar
- Like the Way I Do by T'Mar
- Poetry, cartoons, art, a visit from Q, Christmas on the Enterprise, a trip to the lingerie department and the men of the crew in dresses -- all in the line of duty, of course! Contains suggestive and R-rated material.