Mutual Assent

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Title: Mutual Assent
Author(s): Mary Bernadette Underhill
Date(s): 1998 or before
Genre(s): slash
Relationship(s): Fraser/Vecchio
External Links: online here

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Mutual Assent is a Vecchio/Fraser series of stories by Mary Bernadette Underhill.

Categories: NC-17 for Sex, Bondage/Domination

Reactions and Reviews

In this story, Fraser and Ray are an established couple, who have recently purchased their first house. They discover an intriguing extra, a pair of hooks in the bedroom ceiling, and decide to experiment. No real plot and very little conversation, just a lot of fun with ropes and toys.

This is one of the stories that has stuck with me over time, probably because it was one of the first bondage stories I ever read that didn't involve pain. I enjoyed the fact we aren't told until the end which was captive and captor, so we get to guess. As I read the story, I would picture each scene both ways, double the pleasure, double the fun. [1]


  1. ^ reviewed by Lady Dagger at Slash Revolution International, Mutual Assent