Music to Die For

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Title: Music to Die For
Author(s): Karen Dates
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Music to Die For is a Kirk/Spock story by Karen Dates.

It was the winner of a 1999 Bronze Philon Award.

It was published in the print zine Scattered Stars #12.


"A young Spock and his three friends are stranded on a Iowan farm where he meets and is drawn to the younger son of the family Kirk."

Reactions and Reviews

Talk about a fun story! I thoroughly enjoyed this imaginative and charming tale of a young Spock and his Vulcan buddies who decide to leave home in search of their fame and fortune and end up in Iowa on Earth with a farm boy Kirk and his family.

Lots of neat details about Spock’s friends and Kirk’s life on the farm. And of course, Spock is instantly attracted to a golden, gorgeous Kirk, who has a secret life that Spock doesn’t discover until he finds him with Harry Mudd at an exotic dance club.

Spock forcibly removes a sexy dancing Kirk from the stage and has sex with him in the elevator to Kirk’s penthouse.

I just loved the names of the people in Kirk’s music group: Koba, Yashii and Maru! So cute! There’s an evil Komack causing havoc and McCoy is there as doctor and advisor. Spock decides he wants to dance on the stage with Kirk. I love the scene where they practice. Spock gets exhausted and Kirk says: “You’re not feeling the’re just dancing!”

I really liked all the secondary characters as well as a nice strong Spock and a sexy (yet competent) Kirk.

I loved the ending on the stage with their tuxedos and the audience clamoring for the tuxedo’s removal.

Lots of intrigue and twists and turns occur along the way and even though it wasn’t the best written, it held my interest and I found it thoroughly enjoyable. [1]

I'm not into alternate universe stories—normally they can't keep my interest. I have to make an exception for this one, though, which proves that rule all over again. It is as close to the original universe as you can get and still be A/U. In fact, these events taking place in this A/U could as easily have happened before Kirk took command of the Enterprise—with some modifications, of course. It's so rich in detail and those nice little touches make it more complex. I couldn't help but be drawn into it. [2]

I really enjoyed reading this long alternate universe story, really a novella, where Spock is a Vulcan traveling with friends to Earth where he meets Kirk, his family, his friends, and a whole new way of life. The story encouraged me to sit back and just enjoy; it was filled with interesting details. The pace never seemed forced, but unhurried, and suited to most of the content of the plot.

Kirk, it turns out, is a music superstar, similar to a rock star today, I guess, although he doesn’t let his new lover know that in the beginning. It seems a bad way to begin a relationship, but as the story unfolds there is some plausible reason given for Kirk’s caution. I liked the way the story begins, with the stranded Vulcans needing help, I liked Kirk’s family, his friends, his fellow performers.... Perhaps a little more depth was needed in explaining motivations, etc., but I still went along with the author for the ride and enjoyed just about every page. Music to Die For is the best thing Karen has written.

This story is a good example of one that could have been expanded to novel size, there was certainly enough detail to fill in and possibilities for additional subplots and expansion of conflicts. Good work! [3]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #41
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #50
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #39