Murder Call

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Name: Murder Call
Abbreviation(s): MC
Creator: Hal McElroy, Jennifer Rowe
Medium: Novels, Television
Country of Origin: Australia
External Links: Wikipedia
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Murder Call is an Australian whodunit that aired on television between 1997 and 2000. Each self-contained episode followed Homicide Detectives Tessa Vance and Steve Hayden as they, with the help of Forensic Services and the Coroner's Office, brought each murder mystery to its conclusion. The characters originated in two novels by Jennifer Rowe, who went on to write the scripts for many of the TV show's episodes.

History of the Fandom

Although Australian in origin, the fandom has had an international following since the start. There is no clear date when exactly the fandom started, but its early beginning has been traced back to mailing lists on Yahoo Groups at the beginning of the 2000s, where fan fiction and collaborative writing was shared among group members. Unfortunately, these groups are now defunct, and most if not all of their related fanwork are lost. Fanworks have since then been shared on personal websites, YouTube, LiveJournal, and AO3, with the most current and up-to-date works on the latter four. Fan activity in general is sporadic, with any online communities more or less inactive past 2010. Interaction between fans seems to have become reduced to PMs and comment feeds on specific fanworks. After the TV show was released on DVD in 2019, there was a slight upturn of interest in current fanworks. In 2022, a new Discord server for Murder Call was created by neela in order to connect the fans.


  • Tessa Vance - Detective Senior Constable (Homicide)
  • Steve Hayden - Detective Senior Constable (Homicide)
  • Malcolm Thorne - Detective Inspector (Homicide)
  • Imogen 'Tootsie' Soames - Chief Medical Examiner, pathologist
  • Lance Fisk (PhD) - Senior Sergeant, Forensic Services
  • Dee Suzeraine - Constable, Forensic Services

Most Popular Pairings

  • Tessa Vance/Steve Hayden
  • Imogen 'Tootsie' Soames/Lance Fisk


Fanfiction has been the primary type of fan work created, but there are also some fanvids and fanmixes. Most are available on AO3, and LJ. Some examples are provided below. More may be found through AO3 in particular.


Given the rarity of the fandom, no currently active communities exist. The Yahoo Groups that were used in early 2000s are now gone with Yahoo's recent reforms. What remains seems to be the community linked below.
