Moving Day

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Title: Moving Day
Author(s): Greer Watson
Date(s): 14 November 2007
Length: 2832 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: "Moving Day"
Screen capture of the webpage for "Moving Day".

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"Moving Day" is a short story by Greer Watson based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set very shortly after the events of Chapter One, when Laurie is not yet five years old.


After the departure of her husband, Mrs Odell decides to take Laurie and move back in with her widowed father. As she packs, the truth of their leaving home slowly sinks into the little boy's mind.


A notice was posted to maryrenaultfics on 14 November 2007[1] that Greer had just put "Moving Day" on her website.


"Moving Day" elicited several comments, including:

  • "Very nice feel for place and time [...]"—comment by jgraeme2007
  • "I adore how well you capture all the contradictions in Lucy's character."—comment by lorie945
  • "I adore stories set within my favorite book, but I've never read a Little Laurie story and it's adorable. I can work myself into a panic attack at the mere thought of packing and moving so I definitely identify with Laurie's emotions through the movie. And, Michael Odell's presence...or rather lack of presence is felt quite strongly, which I always thought was glossed over in the book [...]"—comment by poicale


  1. ^ Post on maryrenaultfics (accessed 17 June 2011).