More Than Just A Team

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Title: More Than Just A Team
Publisher: Starlight Press
Author(s): Morgan (Marie Morgan?)
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): June 1987
Medium: print
Fandom: The A-Team
Language: English
External Links:
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front cover
sample text

More Than Just A Team is a gen 58-page A-Team novel by Morgan published in the UK.


Face suffers a recurrence of malaria and the team has to nurse him back to health.

Reactions and Reviews

  • Overall:9
  • Fiction:9
  • Artwork:7.5
  • Layout/editing:7.5

Favorites: (1) well, there was only one story, so it's a tough choice... :) because long, drawn-out, hurt/comfort - gotta love it!

Other comments: (1) Really got a feel for the love between the four guys, even if Murdock and B.A. did fight a little more than they probably would have.

(2) I enjoyed this story very much. Although I like the action in the show I also like exploring the relationship between the characters. The author wrote true to the show and did not get too complicated with the storyline. [1]
