Monkeefans for Christ

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Name: Monkeefans for Christ
Owner/Maintainer: San Antonio Rose
Dates: May 8, 1999 -
Fandom: The Monkees
URL: (via Wayback)
Monkeefans For Christ Logo.gif

Monkee Morality.gif
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Monkeefans for Christ was a The Monkees fansite for Christian fans. It included, among other things, a dedicated devotional for Monkees fans and a personal fanfiction archive of San Antonio Rose's multifandom works, including Monkees RPF.

This may sound odd to non-fans, but to fans, these men are our friends, even though we don't know them. We watched their show and grew to love them as if they were members of our own circle of friends. And since we view them in this way, we show the same concern for them as we do for all our other loved ones. And we don't want them to die without knowing Jesus as their Savior. But since we can't talk to them in person, the most (or rather, the least) we can do for them is pray. And everyone, rich or poor, great or small, needs someone to pray for them.

