Modular Mates

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Title: Modular Mates
Author(s): Jungle Kitty
Date(s): 1999
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
External Links: online here

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Modular Mates is an Kirk/Brandt story by Jungle Kitty.

Author's Notes

This is a TupperTrek story, in which at least one male character in the story is waaaaay too in touch with his feminine side. In this story, there's a crisis in the galactic love refrigerator, otherwise known as the TupperTrekiverse, where things aren't as fresh and tidy as we might wish. It also features an appearance by another fanfiction tradition, but you'll have to read the story. Note: Slash is among the things parodied in this story.


  • ASC 1999--3rd Place, TOS Humor
