Miss Marple (The Charioteer/Miss Marple crossover)

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Title: Miss Marple
Author(s): trueriver
Date(s): 30 July 2006
Length: 430 words
Genre(s): crossover
Fandom(s): Mary Renault, Agatha Christie
External Links: archived on MRF (scroll down)

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"Miss Marple" is a crossover ficlet by trueriver based on Agatha Christie's series of mysteries starring the elderly spinster detective, Miss Marple, and Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. The story is set some time during the war, and seen from Miss Marple's perspective.


Miss Marple is sitting in Millie Banks’s Tea Shop for her Saturday afternoon treat when she observes two other customers: a pair of young officers, one with a limp.


"Miss Marple" was written for a Sunday Tea timed challenge (30 minutes) to the prompt "Miss Marple", and subsequently posted to maryrenaultfics. It should be noted that there were actually two stories written in response to the challenge, both posted to the same page. "Miss Marple" is the second one; and one must scroll down to it.