
From Fanlore
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Name: Mirrormere
Date(s): 2003-2015
Archivist: not identified
Founder: not identified
Type: Slash
Fandom: mainly Lord of the Rings FPF and The Lord of the Rings RPF
URL: Original: http://avia.silverbloom.net/mirror

Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20150327023041/http://avia.silverbloom.net:80/mirror/index.php

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Mirrormere is a fanfiction archive, heavily focusing on real person slash.[1] Its fandoms were Lord of the Rings RPF, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Oz (HBO), Troy, and Troy RPF, with Lord of the Rings RPF and Lord of the Rings as the main focus.


  1. ^ Michelle. LOTR Fanfic Archives, 02 July 2011. (Accessed 15 July 2011)