Middle of the Night

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Title: Middle of the Night
Author(s): Greenwoman
Date(s): 1997
Fandom(s): Star Trek: DS9
External Links: Available at trekiverse

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Middle of the Night is an Odo/Kira Star Trek: DS9 story by Greenwoman.

It was posted at alt.startrek.creative and won an ASC Award.

Reactions and Reviews

A much-anticipated sequel to "Looking For the Next Best Thing" that did not disappoint. While LFtNBT was the "hurt" aspect of the equation, MOtN was the "comfort", and very lushly depicted comfort at that. Greenwoman has the ability to pull a reader into the setting the story is told in and her well-executed dialogue does the rest. The reader can see and imagine the scene which, in Greenwoman fashion, builds to a crescendo before delicately, almost reluctantly receding. After reading one of her works, I always feel as if I've been by the ocean, refreshed by the moist air and the sound of the surf, not exhilarated but content and usually satisfied. Having just re-read my commentary, I think I finally know why. <g> [1]


  1. ^ ASC, March 1998