Meld (Star Trek: TOS story by Bagley)

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Title: Meld
Author(s): Ann Bagley
Date(s): 1976
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Meld is a Star Trek: TOS story by by Ann Bagley.

It was published in the print zine Berengaria #8.


Jim Kirk is awakened by Spock's voice in his mind. Soon Lt. Ker appears at his door. A telepath, Lt. Ker has also been summoned by Spock's voice. They find Spock in the Biology Lab trying to revive Leonard McCoy who has been bitten by a poisonous spider. The medical team pronounce McCoy dead, but Spock and Lt. Ker use their combined mental powers to save his life.

Reactions and Reviews

H/C. McCoy is unconscious and slowly dying of paralysis from the bite of a Tholian green spider. Spock administers CPR while sending out telepathic signals to Kirk and Ker, a ciliated, tripodal, telepathic Bercan. Well-written. [1]

"Meld" seems reasonably effective. I imagine it would make a real impact on a Specialist in Star Trek, to whom the concept of a main character's apparent death would be staggering. [2]

I loved the "Meld". Would there be any other stories with the Bercan in it? I liked this character and would like to read more on her (and any others). [3]

"Meld" was good—I would like to see more developed on the Bercan. [4]


  1. ^ from Karen Halliday's Zinedex
  2. ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
  3. ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
  4. ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9