Meeting on a Street Corner

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Title: Meeting on a Street Corner
Author(s): Eileen Roy
Date(s): 1993
Length: 1 page
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
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Meeting on a Street Corner is a slash Man from U.N.C.L.E. story by Eileen Roy.

It was published in Fruit Cocktail #3.

Reactions and Reviews

This is a one page story, centered around an accidental encounter between Solo and Kuryakin on a street corner several years after their breakup. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness for the two men, because it's obvious that Kuryakin still feels bitterness towards his ex-lover. There's a cold finality to the brief conversation they have as they wait for the light to change, and Napoleon's shame is overwhelming. It's an interesting piece, because this kind of conflict could well happen between the two men. It's always fascinating to read about Solo and Kuryakin from a different angle, but this story leaves you with the feeling of utter finality between the two men.[1]


  1. ^ from Z.I.N.E.S. v.2 n.1