McShep Match Team Romance 2007 Interview with ismenetruth

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Team Romance McShep Match Interview with ismenetruth
Interviewee: ismenetruth
Date(s): July 10, 2007
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here, Archived version
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

ismenetruth was interviewed in 2007 for McShep Romance.

It is part of this project: Team Angst and Romance McShep Match Interview Series.


Well, I wrote my first fanfic (though I didn't know it at the time) in third grade, when I wrote a story for language class where Han Solo and Princess Leia get married. My first posted story was in the Star Trek: The Original Series fandom, almost eleven years ago.

T[SGA] fandom is so gleeful. I mean, even when people attack, say, McSheppers, it's nowhere near the bitchiness achieved in QAF shipper wars, and our biggest wanks are nothing next to HP. And the people - or at least the corner of fandom I'm in - have all this SQUEE and joy and just spread it around all the time. It's lovely. Also, I've always been a huge scifi fan, so shiny gay space show? Exactly my cup of tea.